
Lately it seems as though the women of my generation have been more concerned with their physical well-being, as opposed to the “mental.” I’m not talking about “making use of your monthly gym membership” or “sand-papering your cellulite with the latest Bath&Bodyworks loofah sponge.” No, I’m talking about sex; about our natural desire to orgasm. It has always been said that men were more concerned with sex… “Sex is all they think about.” Wrong, incorrect, false, that’s a nada. We all want it.

But let’s get back to the topic, the issue at hand. “I’m just in it for the sex,” is what I hear most from my friends, the drunk girl at the diner on 86th and 1st, and my own conscience. But what does it mean to be “just in it for the sex?” One-night stands are a different thing but sleeping with someone on a regular basis will never be “just sex.” The act of sex is intimate. Your body is lusting for another human being, just as they are lusting for you. When these moments of pleasure happen on a weekly basis, there is bound to be something else between the two, other than lubricant and condoms. Continuing a sexual relationship has an affect on your mind and body. Eventually one person, or even both, want more out of what they’re getting.

It’s complicated, I know. Generally the case is that you can’t have one without the other. So, either get what you want and leave or be prepared for the “What are we?” conversation.



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